The Hallowed Scrolls

TsunamiCon 2019 is a reality today in part because these fine individuals elected to put their faith in us and throw down their cold, hard cash to help foot the bill early on as early convention supporters and backers of our Kickstarter campaign. We are, of course, grateful to all of our attendees, sponsors, supporters, vendors, advertisers, volunteers and excellent game masters, but it is these names above all we hold in the highest of regard and shout praises unto with the turning of the season. We urge you to follow suit and offer copious gratitude, obeisance, and the occasional foot-washing at each and every opportunity. Huzzah!


We are especially grateful to our corporate sponsors and promotional partners for their excellent patronage and investment in our event:

The Burrow: Gifts For Geeks
Custom Wood Artistry

Honored Brothers-in-Arms

With special thanks and glorious recognition:

jim pinto of Post World Games for designing our logos!
Comedy Rock Geek Mikey Mason
Sean Patrick Fannon of Evil Beagle Games

V.I.G Gold Members

Aaron Grindstaff
Alicia Thomas
Amanda Stamness
Amanda T
Bonnie Roe
David Haig
Dennis Jantzen
James D Kelly
James Martin
Jason “JiB” Tryon
Jessica Dell
Jim Waters
Joe Foster
John Jones
Ken Young
Kurt Haack
Michael Cross
Mike Fessinger
Peter Hildreth
Richard Miller
Rolando Gomez
Shirley Lewis
Tadd McDaniel
Trisha Leidich
Vanessa Keeler

V.I.G. Silver Members

Brad Kelley
Clint A Brubakken
Cody Meireis
James Kinsey
Kristen Loffland
Lin Tobias
Lynda Ferrell
Mason Gumm
Randall Rapp
Thomas Erickson
William Reger

Gamers and Adventurers

Big Ben McGuire
Brian Smith
Brian Wiles
Colter Cookson
Corey Small
Game Master Kareb
Gary, the Short Bald Guy
Jamie Zerr
Jim Crutchfield
Kim Rieck
Kyle Zerr
Libby Pritchett
Melissa Campbell
Michael Shields
Mike Taylor
Nicholas Green
Shannon Mann
Stephen Canfield
Stephen Henry
Steve Thornton – ThornWood Designs
Tim “The Enchanter” Neppel
Tom Christy

Armsmen, Acolytes and Heralds

Charles M. Wallace
Heather Phillips
James Winfield
Jim Ryan
Marleon D. Cumpston
Nicole Kirkhart
Randal Lloyd
Ryan Nock